Monday, June 11, 2007

Very Small Hat

Very Small Hat, originally uploaded by wildjinjer.

When Amelia first came out, she had a Very Small Head. The lovely volunteers at the hospital make baby hats, but that was her only hat, and it was acrylic (okay, I'm a yarn snob).

I tried to buy her another one, but apparently, baby hats don't come that small, so I resolved to make one.

Wasted Yarn

Wasted Yarn, originally uploaded by wildjinjer.

Somehow, I've never knitted anything in the round before, so I didn't know about the Pit of Mobius Knits, and got my first attempt hopelessly twisted. When I finally realized I couldn't fix it (I tried), I cut it in frustration.


3 leaves

3 leaves, originally uploaded by wildjinjer.

I spent waaaaay too long designing this hat. There are things I like about it, and things I'd like to fix.--I'm knitting a revised version for my sister's unborn baby.

Oh, and BTW--Amelia never wore this hat. By the time I finished it, it was too small.